by Drew Schug | Jan 8, 2010 | Digital Marketing Blog
I was at the Montana State University campus on Thursday prepping for my upcoming class and snuck a peak at this upcoming exhibit. I must say that I am looking forward to the American Letterpress showing at the Helen E. Copeland Gallery (School of Art Building)...
by Drew Schug | Jan 6, 2010 | Digital Marketing Blog
As I meet with clients and discuss options for helping them with their websites. Thoughts come to mind that I usually try to convey as I picture their website as my own. I would invest more money in people then tools. I would look at how to integrate my...
by Drew Schug | Jan 4, 2010 | Personal
I am excited to announce that I will be teaching the ART-366 at Montana State University for the Spring ’10 semester. The class covers teaching web design to future graphic designers. It is a great honor and I am deeply humbled at the opportunity to teach at my...
by Drew Schug | Jan 1, 2010 | Digital Marketing Blog
I’vr started posting more items to my blog/lifestream recently. It’s exciting and I feel a bit of pressure. But Here are my Top 3 Goals for 2010. More Visits : I have not written as much recently. With more content, hopefully more readership More Website...
by Drew Schug | Dec 29, 2009 | Digital Marketing Blog
As 2010 fast approaches, it’s time to do some reflection on what can be improved in life. Here are 3 things that need to be resolved. What are yours? Create business and family mission statements Spend more quality time with family and friends Treat my work...
by Drew Schug | Dec 26, 2009 | Personal
Thanks to all the people in our lives this year. We truly appreciate all the friendships we have made and the ones we have continued to enjoy. We are truly thankful.
by Drew Schug | Nov 20, 2009 | Digital Marketing Blog
Here are some of my favorite blog posts for the week. How To Win At Business Nice Reflection by Fast Company Evolution : The Eight Stages of Listening Web Strategy Google Welcomes Gizmo5 About Time On Web Typography Was just talking about this with a good friend. Font...
by Drew Schug | Nov 13, 2009 | Personal
Sitting in a coffee shop in Billings, Montana, as my Dad got out of a 13 hour heart surgery late last night. Snow has blanketed most of Montana, including 20 inches at my house in Bozeman where my pregnant wife of 5 months sits at home. Luckily she does not have to go...
by Drew Schug | Nov 6, 2009 | Digital Marketing Blog
Anymore I have come to appreciate the obvious. The more I read, the more I realize I have picked up or learned a lot of the items, but maybe didn’t fully appreciate the fact until someone says it in print. Here are some of my favorite links of the week. Many are...
by Drew Schug | Oct 30, 2009 | Digital Marketing Blog
I recall a younger more innocent time when I donned a locally sponsored Little League uniform with my mesh hat and mitt that I spent 2 days oiling and molding. Then came batting practice one chilly Montana April. I was up. All my teammates were in the field, looking...