by Drew Schug | Feb 22, 2011 | Digital Marketing Blog
Too funny. So this SEO guy walks into a bar, grill, pub, public house, Irish bar, bartender, drinks, beer, wine, liquor…
by Drew Schug | Feb 20, 2011 | Digital Marketing Blog
Going to Borders made me think about branding and how deeply discounted coupons are so bad for your brand. As consumers, we love coupons, and getting a 30-40% off on a book is a great deal. The problem with these deeper discounts, as Borders offers, is that consumers...
by Drew Schug | Feb 10, 2011 | Digital Marketing Blog
Great quote and article on Conan O’Brien’s his childhood goals and his own personal brand. [Conan] O’Brien sits back in his office, guitar in hand, trying to make sense of his personal and digital evolution. First he thinks it through as a performer:...
by Drew Schug | Feb 7, 2011 | Digital Marketing Blog
As a gentleman who occasionally needs to edit code, type regex into form fields that are inheritently short. I found this tight little application from the fine folks at HogsBay Software quite handy. For $4.99 you get a handy dandy text helper-that until you use, you...
by Drew Schug | Aug 23, 2010 | Digital Marketing Blog
I’ve noticed Google giving geo-targeted based results for sometime and I’m sure it is documented further on other blogs out there. But did I miss something when I was out for two days last week? This may not be new to some but today in my google side...
by Drew Schug | Aug 15, 2010 | Digital Marketing Blog
Found the full Steve Jobs D8 interview over on Kevin Rose’s blogg (via WSJ All Things Digital). Truly worth the watch for any entrepreneur, designer or business owner.