That’s Who I Need To Be

Great quote and article on Conan O’Brien’s his childhood goals and his own personal brand. [Conan] O’Brien sits back in his office, guitar in hand, trying to make sense of his personal and digital evolution. First he thinks it through as a performer:...

Review of QuickCursor Application for Mac

As a gentleman who occasionally needs to edit code, type regex into form fields that are inheritently short. I found this tight little application from the fine folks at HogsBay Software quite handy. For $4.99 you get a handy dandy text helper-that until you use, you...

Google Adds Custom Location To Sidebar

I’ve noticed Google giving geo-targeted based results for sometime and I’m sure it is documented further on other blogs out there. But did I miss something when I was out for two days last week? This may not be new to some but today in my google side...